Courses and projects

If you are about to implement a new system, teachtoteach can customize seminars for the implementation management team as well as courses and projects for the trainers.

Seminar for decisionmakers

The better the management team understand the learning concept the better decisions. Even in large companies management tends to use “same procedure as last time”. But if a company chooses the Less-is-more concept there are a lot of advantages not only for the trainers and users, but for the management as well.
Our consultants have experience from hundreds of projects, and if we have a short seminar with the implementation management team at an early point, we can secure that the decisions are tuned to optimize the learning process and the resources.

A typical misconception is to regard the user courses as IT courses. Maybe that was the case 15 years ago, but today a major part of a user course is to make the users understand new procedures and roles which are a result of the new system.

Typical topics during these seminars could be:

  • Are user courses necessary, when our employees have a high level of IT competence?
  • How can we combine different methods in order to optimize the resources?
  • How can we have a small group of trainers developing the material and have a larger group of trainers in the next phase?
  • How can we optimize the timing of the user courses? 


Courses and projects for trainers

A typical course and project for trainers has two goals:

  • The trainers have to master the Less-is-more concept
  • To develop one or several user coursers

The two goals are combined so that the trainers learn the concept while they are developing the material. The consultant from teachtoteach trains the trainers and functions as project leader.


teach to teach, Frederiksberg Allè 6D, 3. th., DK-1820 Frederiksberg C., T: +45 2360 1153, E:, CVR: 78716819