About teachtoteach

From the foundation of teachtoteach 30 years ago our focus has been on teaching and training. In fact 90 % of our projects are focused on IT user training.

Bjarne Herskin, Psychologist and CEO
After many years as Assistent Professor at Copenhagen Business
School (CBS), Bjarne Herskin founded teachtoteach in the eighties.
He has written a wide range of books on university teaching,
communication and IT user training, and has been a consultant
for a lot of Danish companies as well as the University of Copenhagen
and CBS.
Mette Winther Herskin, Psychologist and senior consultant
After 10 years as an internal consultant in Zürich Insurance and
The Danish Broadcasting Company, Mette Winther Herskin joined
teachtoteach in the late nineties. She has been the project manager
on a series of very large IT implementation projects and is
responsible for the certified Herskin-training course.

teach to teach, Frederiksberg Allè 6D, 3. th., DK-1820 Frederiksberg C., T: +45 2360 1153, E: mwh@teachtoteach.dk, CVR: 78716819